5 Fab Reasons to Buy Local!

  1. What Goes Around Comes Around

    Buy local and support yourself. Sound crazy? Studies prove that buying local ensures your financial contribution will partially slingshot back to strengthen your community and those in it. That’s you. Pass on buying from corporate, national, or international companies and support your own financial wellbeing.

  2. Avoid the Cookie Cutter Community Experience

    If you’re tired of seeing the same corporate signage every day, keep in mind that the dollar you spend daily directly carves out or neglects the look and feel of your community. Want to have a unique, local neighborhood? Then remember to “buy local or bye local”. Avoid big box and corporate store spending to embrace and invest in your one-of-a-kind community!

  3. Reduce Environmental Wasting

    Local crafters and farmers who setup shop in your neighborhood are giving you the opportunity to do something good for your community and for the environment. It takes more resources, including transportation wastes, to get out-of-area foods and products to your table. Think of that every time you’re enjoying your locally harvested honey. Buying local is doing what’s best for your house, and Mother Nature’s!

  4. Create More Jobs in Your Community

    It is common sense to realize that buying local produces more jobs for your community but some may not realize the full impact buying local has on the local job market. Across the board, privately owned businesses in your area provide for your community. Sure, they employ clerks and stockers, but they also need accountants, lawyers, cleaning, delivery and much, much more!

  5. Invest in the Strength of Your Community

    Buying local is an investment in the culture and strength of your neighborhood. The owners of small local businesses are likely the community members who care most about its future. This means they lend strength to your community by going the extra mile to tackle issues that need addressed.